Monday, June 7, 2010

une 7,2010

My night could have been better, but I think that I was worried about today's chemo treatment. I felt great this morning and had 2 walks in before noon. I look forward to the walks because the walls get boring in my room. My mom has been staying with me and I enjoy the talks and laughs that we have had..and those of you that know us the tears as well. I received my first dose of PEG, known as Asparaginase, while they administer this chemo you have a wonderful nurse with you the whole time and moniter all your vitals for 2hrs. I am so thankful for the wonderful nurses that I have had here in the hospital. Things went well and they took me off the drug that makes me go to the bathroom every hr. Boy the things that you look forward too!! I might be able to sleep for 3hrs now instead of 1 hr and not do the potty dance getting to the bathroom. The dr. came in and said that I have been responding well and we will keep going forward. I have the pleasure tonight to have my good friend staying with me. I am thankful for all my family and friends and all they prayers. I need to say a big thank you to my driver for the last 5 months, without my dad taking me to all the dr. appointments and blood draws, Jed would not have the vacation to be here with me!! Thanks Dad for all that you have and will continue to do for me and my family. I love you!! Until tomorrow


  1. I am so grateful to read each night about how you are doing. You are always in my thoughts as I told you the other day. I am looking forward to Saturday. Let me know if you need anything. Love Ya Loads!:) Karen

  2. What a killer of a photo with the boys. That is definately a treasure. Glad to hear that the treatments are going well. Now you and Cali mind your business and don't get reprimanded. (hope that's how it's spelled) The Bishop doesn't want to have to come bail you two out. Thinking of you daily.

    P.S. Fast Sunday was extra special for us and its because of an extra special person

    jared and julie

  3. Geneice, my thoughts and prayers are with you. It is so good you have all the great people behind you to support you. You are a wonderful person and a very positive influence on others. Thank you for sharing your progress with us all.

    Wendy Ashley

  4. Geneice,
    Marcie shared with me your blog and I wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I know with your determination and the strenght of the Lord you will beat this. May you continued too be strong.

    Megan Sorensen Bertagna

  5. Geneice,

    I have just been looking at your blog and wanted you to know that I have been thinking about you a lot and praying for you. Thank you for sharing your strength in such a journey may God be with you.

    Cousin Becky

  6. Hey Geneice. It was great getting to know you..I'm glad you liked the cookies. If your in the area stop by and I will make sure you have more.. Or let Carla know and she will pick them up...Craig is hurt you didn't talk about how wonderful he is. heheheheheheh..


    Connie Richins
