Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June 29, 2010

I have had the privilege to have my sister, Shannon and my other mother, Edith come and visit today! I love to see my family and visit with them. I missed seeing the girls Kennedi and Brooklyn, but want to wish them both a Happy Birthday! Aunt Niecey is sending a treat home with Shannon to give to the girls! Thanks also to my Aunt Judy for the lovely sun hat. Now I can go out and walk in the sun shine for a minute. Love you AUNT JUDY!!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

June 27, 2010

I am still doing good and trying each day to get a little bit stronger. The chemo really makes you tired and fatigued. I think that is what frustrates me the most is not being able to get right back into the lifestyle that I am use to and know it will be a long road back. Patients, patients, patients. I have enjoyed my first visit to Wal-Mart and was so glad to get out of there, but it sure felt good to be apart of the regular world again. Jed and Weston have been taking great care of me and I love them so much.
Weston has even made a friend down here and spent the whole day with him and his family yesterday. They made the comment that if he was here again on Saturday they were going to give him a yellow shirt and put him on the basketball team. I am thankful for friends of my cousin and there concern for us as well. The gospel is all around us, and for that I am thankful. Not much more to report so until next time, I love you all!

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Geneice sent this picture of her and Carla Zundel. Enjoy!

Friday, June 25, 2010

June 25, 2010

I am so blessed today! I have been thinking alot about family and friends today and would like to express my love to each and everyone of you for the small and large ways that you are helping me and my family out at this very hard time in our lives. Where would we be without family, ALONE! I have the greatest family out there and it extends far and wide. I have been so blessed to have a wonderful cousin who opened her house for me and my whole family to be together, it isn't the same as Fielding, but we are a family together through this. I am very thankful for the wonderful friends that I have that give my family a break and come and take such great care of me and the needs that I have. You are all wonderful people and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I have had the privilege of having Carla Zundel here with me she also brought my Weston and we have been having a great time, road trips to her old stomping grounds, meeting her sister and getting the most delicious homemade cookies ever! No cops have been called as of yet, Weston said.

Today I go in for more chemo and then if the blood and platelets are good I will be getting a week off with no chemo. I hope to get some of my energy back to enjoy a little more outside time, but know it will be a slow process. Oh how I loved to hear the birds chip outside the door last night and to feel the sun on my arm for just a minute. The things that we take for granted or just seem to get to busy to enjoy. I mostly enjoyed just hugging my son and waking up knowing he was right by me!

Well enough mush, Have a great day! Visitors are always welcome! Love to you all.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pictures from the Journey

Pictures of Geneice with her favorite people! (Sorry Jed, you were featured yesterday.)

This is Geneice's smiley face Band-Aid. The radiologist gave it to Geneice because she was so good!
We are blogging from LDS Hospital today. I got to come visit Geneice today! I am showing Geneice how to upload her pictures to the blog. Fun times!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June 22, 2010

Just got some great news, Going to get to leave the hospital tomorrow afternoon early evening!! I have both mixed emotions about it, but am ready for the next phase. I will be staying with my cousin, and friends and family are still welcome to come and visit anytime and you know I would love the visits. I love each and everyone of you for the prayers in my behave and hope that you will continue to pray for me as I enter into the next phase of the chemo treatments that they say will be the toughest! Oh Happy Day!!


Geneice had some wonderful visitors this last weekend.

Jed, of course! :) (I love this picture, by the way!)

Aunt JaDene and Shaun, Marcie and Tawnie (cousins) all came to visit. They brought Geneice a new hat with lots of "Bling!" I think Geneice looks so cute in it. I know she loved the visits.

Aunt JaDene

Geneice with cousins Shaun and Tawnie.

Marcie fixing it just right! I'm so glad there are smart, fashionable people in our family. I would have no idea how to help Geneice with this! :)

I think your new do is sooo cute Geneice!

Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21,2010

Just a quick up-date..I have been dealing with some wicked headaches so finally asked Dr. Ash about it and what got ordered blew my mind. 500 mg of caffeine in the I.V. Let me tell you what, I have my energy back and have been able to walk and ride the bike today! Hooray. I wish they would have given it to me yesterday so my kids didn't have to see me so sick. They tell me, though, that it is a good thing for your children to see that some days will not be so good for mom and she will need lots of help.
I have some of the best nurses around and appreciate all that they do for me. Thank you for all the prayers and help for my family. I love each and everyone of you!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

June 20,2010

I haven't posted for a day or two, so while I have a quite second I will quickly update. The last two days have been hard because of the way I have been feeling. Tired, rundown, and not so myself. Today though, the Dr. said that was a good thing because my body is starting to produce enough platelets and nutrufils(sp) that it is working hard and I am working hard to keep it going that to feel a little like the flu is a good sign. She said in the next couple of days that would go away!

I have had alot of family come and visit and to them I am grateful. My aunt JaBean and her family came and they gave me the cutest hat that had bling on it. Jed makes sure that I have the bling on when we go walking. I love all of my family and know that I could not do this without each and everyone of them behind me. My testimony grows each day and the love that I have for my father in heaven is so much more than I thought possible. I know he hears and answers my prayers. I will continue to have faith and trust in him for the road ahead is not easy, but with him by my side I can do many things.

I am most grateful today for a loving husband, friend, and lover. I want to let him know how much I love and appreciate all he does for me and our family. Happy Fathers Day!
And also to the best dad a little girl could ask for, thank you for all the taxi rides, words of encouragement when I didn't think I could go on, and the way you always make me feel special even when i need a good swift kick in the pants! I love you very much and am proud to call you my dad. Happy fathers Day!

Thanks again for all the prayers on my behave, I know I have felt many from all of you.

Friday, June 18, 2010

June 18, 2010

Just a quick update..Everything went well today. On the way to the lumbar poke my kind driver and I sang primary songs all the way down the long haul to the procedure room. He just got home from a mission about 6 months ago and was so sweet to sing with me. I received the triple dip chemo in the spinal column and the vin cristine through the I.V. I also chose to have a bone marrow biopsy to help in the study that I am on for leukemia. It has been a full day, and I am very tired tonight, but want everyone to know that I am still strong and fighting 100% of the day.
I was also glad to see Jed back with me again, I miss him so much during the week, along with those great boys of mine. Everyone have a great night!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

June 17,2010

As most of you already know today has been the hardest for me. It is hard to see the hair falling out and get into everything. I wasn't ready to shave it yesterday, but this morning seeing it all over the place, I knew it was time. I cried through the whole process and when I finally looked in the mirror I just lost it. I am doing a little better tonight with the whole thing.

I received a very special blessing today from the branch presidency here in the hospital. Tomorrow I have alot of tests and chemo again and needed a blessing of comfort and peace, the blessing was the most beautiful thing that I have had and I know everything will be alright and I will be strong and make it through. I have enjoyed family and friends coming to visit today and want everyone to know how much I love and appreciate all that they do for me. Thank you for all your prayers and know I love you all.

New Hair!

Geneice sent this picture this morning. Keep smiling--and I think I speak for everyone--you are still beautiful! We love you Neicey!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 16,010

Just a quick up date..Everything is going great and still feeling good. Still having a hard time about the hair, but what girl wouldn't for awhile. Had great visitors the last couple of days and appreciate all that my family does for me. My chin is held high and I have found when I keep it there the days seem to go better. I know there will be days when I want to hang it to the ground, but with faith and knowing that my heavenly father is mindful of me I will pick it back up and move forward! Love to you all

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Blog roll

Make sure you scroll down for an update from Geneice!

Geneice has been interested in checking blogs of family and friends. I know some of the family blogs, but I know there are more out there. She'd love to know what's happening in your lives.

I am adding blogs to her "blog roll" on the sidebar, so she has quick access to them. If you have a blog and think Geneice may be interested in reading it, please leave a comment and I'll get them added for her. Thanks!

June 15,2010

Just a quick post to update, they found that my port had a bad infection in all three of the lines and are treating me with antibiotic to get rid of it. I am doing much better today and can say I feel more like myself. My hair is starting to fall out and I am having issues but will make it. I had a wonderful lady come from the American Cancer Society and we tried on wigs, hats, and even beanies. We had quite the fashion show. She left me with some wigs and fun hats so look out now for the new me! (Have to find the humour in all of this).
I am looking forward to seeing my little niece, Malaree again today, she has a date with grandpa to the hospital and I am so excited. I love all my nieces and nephews!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Set Backs

Well today has not been the greatest of days, the dr.s all think that it is best if I remain here in the hospital for another 1-2 weeks. They need to get my blood counts up higher before setting me free. I was kinda bummed about it, but feel it is in my own best interest. I have received platlets and two pints of blood today. While receiving the first bag of blood I became very shaky and started with a fever, next came the chills so bad that my body was out of control with the shakes that it hurt every bone in my body. Thank goodness for the great nurses who took such great care of me, because I am not going to lie, I was worrried something was going to go wrong. They got my fever and chills under control and I am now recieving my second bag of blood as I type. My appetite has returned and I hauled in my dinner like there was no tomorrow. I am so greatful for the priesthood and all the blessings that it has given me. My brother was here with me and stayed until all was well and gave me a wonderful blessing of comfort. I know I am being looked out for and thank my heavenly father every day and night for the blessings that I have right now in my life. A wonderful family, husband, boys, and especially friends. Love to you all.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

June 12, 2010

Today has not been the easiest of days. Nausea set in at about 2:30 this morning and then the heartburn right behind it. Made for a long night. Had heart problems, high and low blood pressure, and dizziness also. They decided to do a EKG on my heart to see why it was racing like it was and found all to be well. Thank goodness. I have been a little on the tired side, but feeling much better tonight. I am a little bummed about not being able to go to stake conference and hear Brother Jeffery R. Holland talk, what a wonderful day it will be for the Fielding Ut. Stake to have an apostle there.

A big thank you to my cousin, Karen Moyes for coming and giving Jed a little break today, we have a lot of fun talking about the good old days as kids and teenagers. love you Karen!

Hope that tonight is a good one, and remember that I love all of you!

Friday, June 11, 2010

June 11, 2010

Things are still going great. Another prayer of mine has been answered. When I get released from the hospital, I need to be half an hour away from L.D.S. and I was struggling with what we were going to do. Hotel's are so expensive and a KOA well maybe not. I have a sweet cousin that lives in West Valley City and I had a hard time asking, but called and she said "I would be honored to have you stay with me." Mindy, thank you so much, I don't know how I will ever repay you, but I will think of something. One less stress!

I was so excited today to see my sweetheart, Jed, hiding around a corner on my walk. He saw me walking and wanted to surprise me! Boy how I missed him! Too bad the hospital doors do not lock! Ha! Ha!

Second dose of Vin Cristien today and so far doing awesome with it! The Dr. talks like next week I will get to be released from the hospital and go into the outpatient clinic. I am looking forward to it.

I enjoyed having my Aunt Norma Richards come and visit for awhile. I enjoy seeing my family and friends, now if I could keep these emotions under control I would feel better. Thanks again for all of you praying for me, i feel so loved and want you all to know that I love you right back.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Just had the dr. come and tell me how things were going, he said that I am doing great and if I didn't live 2hrs. away I could possibly go home. That was good and bad news. I will be o.k. He said the white count is still way too low but will continue to get lower with the chemo. Liver has enzymes on it but that is to be expected with the treatment so that made me feel good. I am able to get all of my walks in and stay active which makes me feel so much better. Going to be chillin with my sister, Nancey tonight and I am looking forward to it. Love you all.

June 9, 2010

Today was a good day! I have felt good and my spirits are up a little more. I enjoyed visiting with some great friends, Justin and Jennifer for the afternoon. It keeps your mind sain to visit with family and friends. I have finally began to gain weight and I feel like I eat like a horse. They tell me that is the side effect of the steroids. Hope that I don't gain too much more! I enjoyed having my sister, Maryann stay with me, boy I am loving the sleepovers. Miss my sweetheart and boys, but know they will be coming soon. Love to you all!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

June 9, 2010

As I sit here, I have a lot of time to think, worry, and wonder what is next. I still have a lot of fears and uncertainties. I am sure that is not uncommon. I have been really struggling with the thought of loosing my hair and how I will look to my sweetheart, will he still think that I am beautiful, maybe we will be like twins since he shaves his head too. My mind just goes in circles. I enjoyed having Cali Bywater come and have a sleep over, as we call it here in the hospital. We even managed to keep it under control and they didn't have to call security on us. I want her to know that I love and appreciate her friendship more than she will ever know! Last night I could hardly wait to see my little niece, Malaree, and of course my sisters too. When the door opened and she came in all I could do was cry like a baby, she asked her mom why I was crying and I told her I was just missing her pretty smile. She kept me good and entertained. She took me for a walk and was trying to get me to jump the brown lines on the floor, don't try that with a full bladder...oops. I received some very nice packages from the relief society and my dear cousin, Delene Bailey and her family. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I also received a visit from my friend and neighbor, Loriann Stokes who has been through the ugly of cancer and knows what I am going through. I love the visits and it keeps my spirits up. I love my family and all they are doing for me, in-laws and all. I keep thinking about what I am going to do different when I get to go home..Maybe let the dishes pile up in the sink for a day, not vacuum the floor or even pick up after anyone, just be the best mom I can and take the time to throw the football with my sons and go on those dates with my husband and smell the flowers and fresh air more often. Boy how your priorities can change in the blink of an eye! Love to all of you.

Pictures from June 8

Geneice had a few visitors yesterday! Nancey, Maryann, and Maryann's daughter Malaree came to visit. Sisters are priceless, am I right? (So are neices...) Malaree and Geneice have a very special relationship, as you can see in the picture. Big smiles. :)

And here's a picture of Colten with his new hair. We love it!

Geneice had a good day yesterday. Here's hoping for more good days!

Monday, June 7, 2010

une 7,2010

My night could have been better, but I think that I was worried about today's chemo treatment. I felt great this morning and had 2 walks in before noon. I look forward to the walks because the walls get boring in my room. My mom has been staying with me and I enjoy the talks and laughs that we have had..and those of you that know us the tears as well. I received my first dose of PEG, known as Asparaginase, while they administer this chemo you have a wonderful nurse with you the whole time and moniter all your vitals for 2hrs. I am so thankful for the wonderful nurses that I have had here in the hospital. Things went well and they took me off the drug that makes me go to the bathroom every hr. Boy the things that you look forward too!! I might be able to sleep for 3hrs now instead of 1 hr and not do the potty dance getting to the bathroom. The dr. came in and said that I have been responding well and we will keep going forward. I have the pleasure tonight to have my good friend staying with me. I am thankful for all my family and friends and all they prayers. I need to say a big thank you to my driver for the last 5 months, without my dad taking me to all the dr. appointments and blood draws, Jed would not have the vacation to be here with me!! Thanks Dad for all that you have and will continue to do for me and my family. I love you!! Until tomorrow

Sunday, June 6, 2010


I had another round of chemo today, they call this one the "Mountain Dew" chemo. Boy i liked the sound of that one. I have done well with this one too. I have been able to keep all meals down and get in all my walking. I just received a picture from my son, Colten and his friend Justin Moore, they have beaten me to the new hair style and it brought a tear to my eye. I have the best boys on the planet and their friends are like one of my own too. I am feeling a little home sick, but know this too shall pass. Love you all!

Sunday, June 6th, 2010

Just wanted to let everyone know I did great with the second round of chemo yesterday. This morning I was a little nauseated, but with the help of a pill, I was able to eat all my breakfast!! I wanted to let you all know that I have a testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and that no matter where or what our circumstances are the church is all around us. Even in the hospital. I know that with my heavenly fathers help I will win the battle ahead of me and go on to enjoy my like again. I am so thankful for the priesthood and the comfort it gives to me in the time of need. I know my prayers are heard each and every day and night, for this gives me the peace that I need to keep my chin up. My mom and I were able to receive the sacrament here in my room, boy I think that for the first real time I understood what that means to me, and the comfort the sacrament is for me in my life. I never want to be without it. The missionaries gave my mom a very sweet blessing of comfort and for that I am grateful. She is my rock (along with the love of my life, Jed), and don't know what i would do without either one of them! May we all strive to do what is right and true in our life and heavenly father will always be there for us, NO Matter WHAT! Thank you to all those who are fasting in my behave today, I love each and everyone of you!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Visit from her boys

Like Geneice said in the last post, the boys got to come visit today. I can tell from the pictures that it was a very good thing for everyone. I loved these pictures. Weston also took Geneice for a walk. Good medicine!


Well I am back, It has been a rough few days for me. With the steriod treatments I would get massive headaches that I could not handle very well. At home I could just take a ibuprofen and It would be fine, not in the hospital! Roxy is what you get! As most of you already know, I was able to attend my son's graduation. I didn't make it for the whole thing, but I know he knew I was there and how very proud I was of him! He is such a fine young man..watch out all you females out there, my boy is a good catch!
I had the priviliage of meeting a young women named Brandi Chase, Dr. Ash brought her up to my room for us to get aquainted. We just hugged for a long while with tears in both of our eye's. She is still in the program for A.L.L and knows what I am going through or will be going through. What a breath of fresh air to know you are not the only one in this boat, and together, with our heavenly father's help, we will make it.
Had my first round of chemo yesterday, and i was a tough day., No appetite, fatigue, and nausea had set in, I felt so homesick and was missing my boy's.
Today was a different story, My boys came to see me and that made all the difference in the word. Just to give them a hug and a kiss and let them know how much I love them made me feel great!! So far the second dose of chemo has been great and I am feeling alot better. One day at a time and the battle will be over! Oh more good news today, my dna came back with no signs of the Philidelphia Chromozone. That means forward march! Thanks again for all the love and prayers in my behalf and I want you all to know how much I love each and every one of you! Until next time

First treatment

Geneice had her first chemo treatment yesterday afternoon. I just heard from Nancey--I guess it was a pretty rough night. We are asking for prayers that Geneice can eat something and hopefully get some strength before her next treatment this afternoon around 3.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me."
Philippians 4:13

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Message from Geneice:

Here is a picture of what I have to do to walk out the door of my room.

Also, a little good news: The spinal tap showed no cancer cells in the spinal fluid! YAY! Also, she has asked that if anyone would like to call her to please call her on the hospital phone. If you need that number, get in touch with someone in the family and they will give it to you. Chemotherapy starts tomorrow.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Thanks for all the prayers in Geneice's behalf. She was able to attend part of the graduation--I'm sure not as long as she'd have liked, but we were so happy to see her there!

I took a bunch of pictures, so this is probably picture overload, but these are for the proud mama!

Geneice's family with the graduate

Jed's family with the graduate

I loved this picture!

Handing the name card

Colten with a friend--Justin Moore?
(Did I get that right? Someone leave a comment and correct me if I'm wrong!)

With Grandpa Owen--if you've ever had a picture with Grandpa Owen, you know EXACTLY what is happening in this picture!
Grandma and Grandpa Owen

Grandpa Smith

Fan club

When Geneice first came in. So sweet. :)

I don't know if anyone else was touched at all by this, but the words to the song that the Madrigals sang, I thought, were very fitting:

You're not alone
Together we stand
I'll be by your side, you know I'll take your hand
When it gets cold
And it feels like the end
There's no place to go
You know I won't give in
No I won't give in

Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

So far away
I wish you were here
Before it's too late, this could all disappear
Before the doors close
And it comes to an end
With you by my side I will fight and defend,
I'll fight and defend
Yeah, yeah!

Keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through
Just stay strong
'Cause you know I'm here for you, I'm here for you
There's nothing you could say
Nothing you could do
There's no other way when it comes to the truth
So keep holding on
'Cause you know we'll make it through, we'll make it through

Hear me when I say, when I say I believe
Nothing's gonna change, nothing's gonna change destiny
Whatever's meant to be will work out perfectly
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

I cried clear through it. I'm a bawl baby, I know. I blame it on John--I swear I didn't cry near as much before I married into his family. :)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Up date

As most of you know, I am at the LDS hospital with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, also known as ALL. I have been through an emotional roller coster these last couple of days..this is something you never want to hear! Let me tell you a little about my last couple of days.
I have had bone marrow biopsy's, chest exrays, spinal taps, and lots of blood draws. I started my steroid treatments today and hopefully will be able to go to Colten's graduation tomorrow. Most of you will see me , but please know that my immune system is not worth crap, so just wave. I am going to keep my spirits up and do everything in my power to beat this. I have a wonderful support system with family and friends and want you all to know how much I love and appreciate you all! Until next time...


Most of you reading this probably know Geneice one way or another: perhaps your children go to school where Geneice works, or your children play ball with her children, or you attend church with her, or you play softball with her... or maybe you don't know Geneice--but you know her family. I'm Jamie, Geneice's sister-in-law... We set up this blog to try to keep all of Geneice's "fans" updated on her and her progress.

To begin...

A few weeks ago Geneice was not feeling well. She went to the doctor, thinking she had the flu, and he did a blood test. The results came back that her white blood count was at a 0.6. Normal is a 3, so the doctor immediately put her in the hospital. She stayed for a few days for testing, and then was able to go home and do the rest of the testing as an outpatient. Throughout the next two weeks, she didn't feel well at all, but you'd never know it. She's a go and do-er, not a complainer. On Thursday, May 27, she had a bone marrow biopsy. The results came back the next day, and were not what anyone wanted to hear: Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia, or ALL. He admitted her to LDS Hospital.

As a family, we are behind her all the way. We know that together, we can fight this and support Geneice through this journey, a journey that no one asks for, but some must take...

"Where there is hope, there is faith;
where there is faith, there are miracles."