Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21,2010

Just a quick up-date..I have been dealing with some wicked headaches so finally asked Dr. Ash about it and what got ordered blew my mind. 500 mg of caffeine in the I.V. Let me tell you what, I have my energy back and have been able to walk and ride the bike today! Hooray. I wish they would have given it to me yesterday so my kids didn't have to see me so sick. They tell me, though, that it is a good thing for your children to see that some days will not be so good for mom and she will need lots of help.
I have some of the best nurses around and appreciate all that they do for me. Thank you for all the prayers and help for my family. I love each and everyone of you!


  1. Geneice, Glad to hear you got some relief and feel better today. Hang in there! Thinking of you always. Love you tons!!!

  2. Geneice, I am glad that you could get some relief for your headaches. Hopefully things will continue to get better. I hope you are enjoying your new game. Stay strong. I will see you soon, Lori

  3. You always did like your caffeine!! Glad you are up and going again. You are doing great!! Love ya and will chat again soon! Mo
