Thursday, June 17, 2010

New Hair!

Geneice sent this picture this morning. Keep smiling--and I think I speak for everyone--you are still beautiful! We love you Neicey!


  1. Now what is so bad about that?? YOU LOOK GREAT
    I will show you my new doo on Sunday!! Can't wait!! Love you!! Mo

  2. You look amazing Sis! Looking forward to seeing you soon! A quote was given to me today from My friend Amy who got it from her sister in the same situation.
    "Oh, my friend, it's not what they take away from you that counts - it's what you do with what you have left. Anne Frank. You got a lot left! Love you!!

  3. yep, bald IS beautiful!! you look great!!

  4. Kennedis first words after seeing the picture, "I wish I could have no hair, that's cool" then she proceeded to say that it wouldn't always be in her face and Brooklin piped in saying, "yeah, then I wouldn't have to brush it" This is coming from a girl that really really really does not like combing her hair. So anyway, you may just start a new trend with the girls in the family too. I better watch my scissors :) You look great! Hope to be able to come see you next week. Lots of love.

  5. Looking good!!!!!!! Keep smiling and all will be good. I look forward to seeing you tonight.
    Lori p.s. just remember to keep a hat close, your head can get cold even in the summer!!!

  6. What a cute picture!! It makes you look younger. I wonder if my mom would let me shave her head. It would sure make life easier cause she complains every Friday when she had to go get it done plus she hates to comb it. Hum--must be related to Brooklin.

  7. You look simply Marvelous Darling! Keep smiling and remember I love you! Karen

  8. Your faith will get you through you.

  9. Beautiful as always, from the inside out!
    Just more so now. Love you Tons!!!

  10. You look great. Somedays i
    wish i didn't have to mess with the dew.
    Keep up the great smile.

  11. You look wonderful! I can see Colten and Weston in this pic so it can't all be bad! They are some of the coolest kids I know! Love ya dear! I am wanting to come see you so bad but have had a cold. Just know that I am thinking of you.

  12. You look beautiful! You can really see that inner beauty inside of you shining through. -Mindee Shelley
