Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 6, 2010

Being in the hospital is no fun, but at least I know it won't be for four weeks, only 4 days maybe 5. I have received the "red" chemo and now I am getting the "mountain dew" chemo. I love how they have a name for the chemo's that's easy to remember. I started the "mountain dew chemo at 10:00a.m. and will get it until 10:00a.m. tomorrow. So far so good. I am feeling good, other than tired.


  1. Sounds good keep chin up!! Got you some sweaters for you I gave them to mom. She said the pink one was getting a little ratty!! She wouldn't let me get the wild pink and orange one though ( It is blue and white) oh well. Hope you hang in there we are all good on this end!! Love ya Mo

  2. Wanted you to know that you are loved and that even my girls keep me posted on your facebook news. You are loved and prayed for by all of us here. Little Lynden keeps you in her prayers most faithfully. We love you!
    Love, Karen

  3. Hey Geneice, Hope it is going well. It sounds like lots of chemo. Good luke with all of it. I certainly hope it does the trick. Thanks a ton for the up date on how you are and what you are doing. You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. Stay the course! Love you Tons!!!

  4. Hey Geniece,
    I had to ask MaryAnn how to leave a comment, (I'm not a blogger). I just wanted to let you know Nick and I think about you often, and are keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers. Nick talked to Jed awhile ago and said we would help in any way we could (or whatever comes out in "men talk"), but I wanted to let you know too. I am around and would help with anything you feel like I could do. You are so sweet with all your positive blogs and you are showing such faith. I am so proud of you and know you are going to be a stronger person because of this extremely hard trial. I must be being affected by that "damn prednisone" also, I cry every time I get on your blog, but I love knowing how you're doing. Anyway I don't want to keep rambling. let us know if and how we could help you or your family, we would love to do it. You keep hanging in there. With Love --Amber
