Monday, August 30, 2010

Aug 30, 2010

Today has been a full day already and its only 11:30 A.M.! I was taken down to Radiation bright and early this morning for the consultation and the fitting of this lovely helmet that I will get to wear each time that I come in for Radiation. The nurses and staff down there were so good to me and could see how nervous that I was to get then CT scan done, but it all went great!

Now I am receiving my first bag of blood and then number two dose of Etoposide (chemo) It hasn't been bad so far and I pray that it goes just as good today! They gave me a tentative date to come home to Fielding, about Oct.1 and I am looking forward to that date. I will probably get to come home for some visits now and again but still must remain close to the hospital for the next CNS period too. The CNS period consists of lumbar pokes with chemo in the spine, radiation, and more chemotherapy.

I am taking one day at a time and I am grateful for each day, I was a little sad this morning not being there for my boys first day of school, but want them to know that I am doing everything I can to be there next yr and the year after that! I love you boys so much! Hope that you had a great first day of school.


  1. They made it off to school. Saw Weston out with his friends at break. Malaree was excited today too. She was ready for me to leave.
    Hang in there. Love ya, Mo

  2. Geniece, I read your post and started to cry. The First of October is only 1 month away. Look how far you have come. Hang in there. You are awesome!!! Love you Tons! Sharon S.

  3. Geneice, I am glad things are going so well for you. Hopefully they continue to go in that direction. It is nice to see that there is an end in sight for you to come home to your family. Keep up the good work and keep your head high. Talk to you soon, Lori
