Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Way Behind

I have not been up to getting on the computer and up-dating my blog. I figured that I had better get on the ball, so you all won't worry too much about me. (Just worry a little)

It was a nice weekend for me, Saturday Carla Zundel was here with me and we went to look for some good walking shoes. The muscles in my legs are giving me fits, so a good pair of shoes is a must to keep walking. She took me to the Draper Temple and we drove around the temple. It was beautiful, but what temple is not. We then went and visited with her sister and brother in law in Draper. Connie had fresh baked cookies for us when we got there. (Still my favorite!) I enjoyed the out.

Sunday, my cousin's Mindy and Becky made dinner, with the help of Becky's great husband, Will. It was so great to have them here and enjoy their company.

Everyone keeps me going and helps me so much. My sister-in-law, Shaley came on Monday and we had a great time. Started another week of Ara-C, which is a chemo at home from the Home Health and so far it has been o.k. I have felt a little sick, but not too bad.

I had my check-up too. Dr. Petersen said that all my counts are awesome and I was doing great to keep up the good work. That brightens up your spirits a little. I know that It will all be worth it in the end. I just struggle right now with being so far away from my family and not being able to help them through this too. I love them all. I have the most amazing boys on the planet and love them so much. My mother in law said to me to look at this as a mission, I am on the down hill side of it and the second half always goes faster than the first half. I guess if i look at it that way I will be home in no time.

Thank you for all the prayers and Love that I am feeling. I love you all!


  1. Oh, Geneice! I look every day for a new blog from you, and was getting concerned, so I am so glad that you updated today! I have not seen the Draper Temple but I'm sure its beautiful. I'd love to go through a session there some day. I like the idea that you are on a mission. I know on missions you have to rely a lot on prayer. And the support of your loved ones at home. You definitely have that!!! I think about you all the time. I see your boys and Jed in the evenings when I'm out riding my bike. Just remember how much we all care about you! Love, Suzanne P.

  2. Good to "hear" from you. I am glad it's going pretty well, and that you are getting good visitors. We are thinking of you and praying for you!

  3. Spoiled! Look at all those wonderful cookies. Weston and me and the kids got spoiled yesterday for my birthday. We went for Chinese food, should have seen the plate of sesame chicken Weston had. We might be down next week to come see you, maybe we'll bring down our swimsuits. :) Hang in there Love ya!! Mo

  4. Geneice, I was so happy to see a post from you. I felt like you had not been feeling well from all the meds., etc. I just keep praying for you and know that miracles happen. That's this month's theme in Primary and I truly believe that miracle are so abundant in our mist everyday. Keep smiling and hang in there. It will be worth it in the end. I wish I could get down to see you. Know how much you are love. Love you tons. Sharon S.
