Headed down to L.D.S. for a check up and to see if my counts had recovered from the last go round. If they had, then I was able to start the next one. When it was my turn to go have my blood drawn, they couldn't access my port in my chest so they had to draw out of the arm. I don't have very many veins left to choose from, because the chemo, I guess hides them. Right after she drew out of arm the red port decided to work. They still wanted me to go down to have a look at the port to make sure it was o.k. Funny thing happened they got me all ready and did the ex-rays. Perfect, they said. All was in the right spot and they got all three lines to draw blood. We now have east 8 outpatient clinic baffled.
I surprised the P.A. and the Dr's by my counts. They all had doubled and I was ready for the next round of vinecristine, the red devil, and believe me the name fits, its nasty chemo, 6mp chemo pills, and of course we can't forget the steroid, dethemexazone. I am going to do my best to get through this round and just keep going. Only 2 more Peg chemo's and All of you in Fielding will hear my cheers all the way home.
I want to thank Lorianne Stokes for taking me to the clinic. We had a nice time just visiting and it sure helped to have someone else who knows that CANCER SUCKS!!
I am grateful for all the prayers and please keep them coming. I love you all! Until next time.
Way to fight! I hope you had a nice birthday! Sorry I missed it. Sorry I missed seeing you for Christmas when I was in Fielding. It sounds like you had a rotten day! I hope the cards can help cheer you up. Thanks for updating your blog, I check it just about every day. I'm still praying for you, too. Hang in there. Love, Julie Oxborrow