I am so proud of my son Colten. He became an Elder in the Melchizedek Priesthood. I was so excited to be here for this event and hope that he will always honor this special priesthood that has been put upon him. He had his grandpa Owen ordain him. When you have been diagnosed with cancer, you cherish every day and event that happens in your family. I am so proud of him and the choices that he has made.
He now is married to his sweetheart and I couldn't be happier. I finally have a daughter and I look forward to getting to know her better.
Monday I went to the Logan Infusion Center and had my dose of Methatrexate. My counts were down by half, but I am optimistic that I will win this battle. I just love the nurses that take care of me. They make you feel special through all the ugly of cancer. I also attended my first support group for cancer patients. What a great time I had. It is so good to hear from other cancer patients that know what I am going through and I know what they are going through. We had many laughs. I hope to continue with the support group and hope in some way help someone else through all the ugly of cancer.